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7.5 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Taiwan & Japan, Triggering Tsunami Warnings
In the early hours of Wednesday, Taiwan experienced a devastating natural disaster as a 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck the region, causing widespread destruction and...
7 Magnitude Earthquake strikes Near China’s border with Kyrgyzstan
A powerful 7-magnitude earthquake has struck the Xinjiang region near China's border with Kyrgyzstan, causing widespread damage and triggering tremors felt as far away...
7.6 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Japan
A powerful earthquake of magnitude 7.6 rocked Japan on the first day of the new year, triggering a tsunami warning and causing widespread damage...
5.6 Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Northwest Nepal
A powerful earthquake of magnitude 5.6 struck the northwest region of Nepal on Saturday, causing panic among the residents and damaging several buildings. The...
A 6.3 Magnitude Earthquake Struck Western Afghanistan
A powerful earthquake of 6.3 magnitude struck western Afghanistan on Saturday, killing and injuring hundreds of people and destroying thousands of homes. The quake...
Magnitude 4.6 Aftershocks – Morocco
A new aftershock shook Morocco today, causing panic among the population still recovering from the devastating earthquake that hit the country last week. The...
A Powerful 6.8-Magnitude Earthquake Struck Morocco
A powerful 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck Morocco on Friday night, killing at least 632 people and injuring over 150, according to official sources. The quake,...
6.3 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Offshore Maule in Chile
A strong earthquake measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale struck the offshore Maule Region in Chile today. The tremor was felt at 17:33 UTC,...
5.9 Magnitude Earthquake occurred on the Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan Border
A strong earthquake shook parts of Central Asia on March 23, 2023. The quake had a magnitude of 5.9 and was centered on the...
5.6 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Northern Philippines
A magnitude 5.6 earthquake shook Cagayan province in the northern Philippines on Thursday morning, March 23. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs)...